
Search Integrations #

Introduction #

In the first place, uman needs to be able to connect to a document management system (DMS) in order to index the desired content. Additionally, uman can connect to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system in order to understand your customers and cross-match them with your content.

Supported integrations #

Currently we support the following integrations:

  • Document Management Systems (DMS)
    • Sharepoint Online
    • Google Drive
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
    • HubSpot
    • An export of your CRM data in CSV format

Permission mirroring #

By default, we mirror the permissions of the DMS to uman. This means that the permissions of the DMS are automatically applied to the content in uman. It does require more setup as you will see in the specific integration pages.

Note: After the initial setup, the permissions are not automatically updated in real-time. They are synchronized on a regular basis in combination with the indexing of the content from the integration. This process happens at least once per week.